Join us this Lenten season as we look our brokenness and God’s promise of new life to us through Jesus.

We will be starting our Lenten journey on Ash Wednesday, February 14th.  On Wednesday’s we will be doing a series called “Broken For Us” which contemplates the reasons why Jesus is going to the cross.  Our lives are hard—because of our own sinfulness, but also because of the actions of the world.  God knows this and has promised to deliver us from the pain of this world.  He promises the ultimate redemption of the world and of all those who believe.  The concentration of his promises is found in Jesus’ cross.

On Sunday’s we will be continuing our journey through a series called “Just As He Promised” which focuses on the promises that God has made to us.  We need to start with the situation that God promises himself into: our sin and brokenness.  Even as we see the depth and width of our sin, we see the promises that God himself makes, in the person and work of Jesus Christ.  It’s not going to be easy for us; in fact, it will probably be harder than we can ever know.  Yet, God promises his hope and his new life, and we will see it in our lives.

We look forward to going through this journey with you!