The mission of St. Paul's Outreach Ministry is to offer a means by which St. Paul’s may be Christ’s witness to the world by caring for the needs of individuals and families in our cities.
Blessed with dedicated volunteers and by the generous donations from our congregation, we are able to make a difference and give a “hand up” to our area community.
Our Biblical support is “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of those brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.’” (Matthew 25:40)
Some examples of what we do are:
God's Storehouse (Food Pantry)
Halos of Hope
Angel Tree
Holiday Baskets
Undie Sunday
Soles for Souls
"Soup"er Bowl Sunday
Backpack Ministry
Saturday Stitchin'
Maumee Clothing Outreach
School Supplies Collection
Mosaic Ministry Meals
Salem Lutheran AGAPE Ministries
Salem Lutheran Feed Your Neighbor
"Good Sam"
Prayer Shawls
If you would like to join us click on the volunteer button.
Blessed with dedicated volunteers and by the generous donations from our congregation, we are able to make a difference and give a “hand up” to our area community.
Our Biblical support is “The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of those brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me.’” (Matthew 25:40)
Some examples of what we do are:
God's Storehouse (Food Pantry)
Halos of Hope
Angel Tree
Holiday Baskets
Undie Sunday
Soles for Souls
"Soup"er Bowl Sunday
Backpack Ministry
Saturday Stitchin'
Maumee Clothing Outreach
School Supplies Collection
Mosaic Ministry Meals
Salem Lutheran AGAPE Ministries
Salem Lutheran Feed Your Neighbor
"Good Sam"
Prayer Shawls
If you would like to join us click on the volunteer button.