
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

- 2 Corinthians 9:7

Why we give.

God is generous and so he calls us to be as well.  What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.

Scripture invites us to give of our "first fruits" out of joy, not obligation.  These "first fruits" could be giving our time, energy, and/or our money to God.  We give not because we are "guilted to" but because we "joyfully get to."  2 Corinthians 9 talks about this kind of giving.

As you entrust your time and resources to St. Paul's, please know that we will make every effort to be good stewards of all resources.  Thank you for partnering with St. Paul's to build His Kingdom!

Ways To Give

Give Online

You can give online, on this page! Whatever you feel lead to give, you can give one-time, or set up a regular schedule of giving, that automatically comes out of your account. 

Give In Person

We welcome you during our visit with us to submit your offering of cash or checks into our offering plate at the end of the service. 

Mail A Check

You can write checks to St.Paul's Lutheran Church, and mail checks to us at 112 E Wayne St, Maumee, OH 43537.