So, May 28th is Pentecost. The Birthday of the Church. The day the Holy Spirit was poured out on all flesh and God birthed the Church universal. The Church Catholic in Latin.

Given that, I wanted to extend an opportunity to the membership of St. Paul’s — If you’ve never been baptized, if you’ve never made an actual public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ, or if it’s been a long time since you’d made a public declaration and you’ve found yourself straying and you want to make a fresh start, I’d like to extend the invitation for you to be baptized Sunday, May 28th.

Baptism is a phenomenal gift. By Word and water, we are united with Christ. Sharing in His death, and being raised to new life with Him. So that you have been crucified with Christ and you no longer live, but Christ lives in you. The life you now live in the body, you live by faith in the Son of God, who loved you and gave Himself for you. (Gal. 2:20)

I want to extend my invitation. If you’ve never been baptized, never made a public declaration, or have wandered and want to start over, don’t wait. Let this be the moment.

If you would like to be a part of this Sunday, please fill out the information below and I'll get back with you.