Explore:  Life, Faith, Meaning

We're having a youth and young adult Alpha that begins Thursday the 15th of September.  Alpha is for anyone and everyone who wants to figure out the barebones of Christianity in a less "Churchy" setting.  If you've never been comfortable inviting a friend or family member to any church event, this is the perfect event to invite them to.  It's the very barebones of Christianity, in a super relaxed and friendly environment.  there will be food, community, and getting to know one another.  Alpha will be every Thursday, thereafter, for 13 weeks, from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm.  We'd love to have you attend.

If you want to learn what Alpha is all about, please watch the video below

Volunteering available in many aspects.  Please come be a part of this wonderful series.  If you would like to participate or volunteer please fill out the form below.